Springtime always makes me think of new beginnings; Everything is fresh and full of promise. The flowers are in bloom, everyone is outside enjoying the sunshine, and the anticipation of summer is just around the corner.
For me lately I've been amazingly blessed to realize how - dare I even type this - wonderful my life has been the past few weeks. I am one of those people who thinks that when life is going swimmingly well, the other shoe is about to drop and I can only hope that I'm prepared for the havoc that will ensue. I'm trying to work on manifesting how great everything is and that it will stay like this for a while, or for as long as I can keep convincing myself of that. I'm working in a career I love, with a top-notch firm, and making the money I so deserve after being on a financial starvation for the past 18 months. It's nice to know that I can now afford gas and not have to take my change to CoinStar and scrounge up enough to fill 1/2 my tank. Ahh...capitalism has returned! Well, okay, I shant get too carried away, but I am lucky that my industry seems to have bounced back quite well.
I'm also skipping joyfully around in bliss with my new boyfriend who just seems to have me seeing stars and hearts all the time. I couldn't have asked for a more solid, sweet, genuine, caring, thoughtful and romantic guy -- ever -- and I can feel secure with us and know that he's definitely a keeper and one that I think may stick. around. for a while....
With all that being mentioned, I'm also glad that my family isn't driving me too batty and that I'm genuinely happy to be around them, 90% of the time, which is a good thing!
So, besides it being a season of fresh and new beginnings, its also a season to start anew and to make life even more sweeter for me, Lucy seems to be the happiest I've seen her in a while. It's been nice to glance outside the window and see the birds and rodents scurrying in the flower beds while Lucy chases them effortlessly burning enough calories to resemble a malnourished canine. One of these days I know she will catch one and my glee of the day will be seeing the dead rodent dropped door side and her tail wagging. That is a vision I'm hoping won't happen anytime too soon, but you just never know.