Well I figured I had to start out the blog with a photo; and this one seems to be getting the most press, since it was our xmas card, along with Wilson and Lucy dressed up with reindeer ears and xmas decor! However, I can't find that photo, so you'll have to just imagine them - or if you were lucky enough to actually receive one of the 60 xmas cards we ordered, then yes, you are truly lucky!
I feel so out of the blogging world since I haven't blogged too much since last summer; but feel like I need to make a strong effort in at least blogging a couple times a month; if not for me to hone on my writing abilities, at least to keep my out of state pals in the loop! Facebook doesn't do all!
My 2011 started out with Liam and I at the ER with the doggies! Oy f'g vey! We had a bit of a snafu in that we kinda lost the doggies while letting them run off leash in our normal neighborhood school yard, but with the snow and us being out of shape, the doggies out ran us and we misplaced them in the woods. After 20 minutes, they both emerged bloody and beat up; and the Vet thinks they met a racoon who wasn't in the New Year's spirit! Afther they both padded around the home wearing cones for a few days, we are grateful that they are both healthy and happy again. However, between overspending at Xmas, having to re-fill our oil heating tank and this most recent Vet bill, we almost had to sell a kidney to remain fiscally sound!
Careerwise Korn/Ferry has been good to me; and I really can't complain at all. I am lucky to work with a good group of people and able to bring home a steady paycheck which was a rarity for me during the past two years! I'm glad to be a worker among workers again! My big excitement right now is a long weekend get away to see my BFFs in San Diego in a few weeks! I was going to wait until May when Meredtih and Don get hitched, but after the recent cold spell and snow here, I said, F it, I'm coming as soon as I can get an airfare that won't cost more than a Kooba bag!