Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Quick Update...
I can't believe its been almost 2 years since I last blogged. So, just to make it easy and cut to the chase, since most of you are my friends on Facebook, or Assbook, as I sometimes like to call it, b/c I have such a love/hate realtionship with the social media magnate...

Husband and I have had a busy 18 mos!  We've had some ups and downs, some challenging woes with finances, family and jobs, we've gone on some trips;  Costa Rica, San Diego (of course), Arizona, Vermont and am now gearing up for a long weekend to Florida in March, then San Diego in May and possibly a Cruise to Bermuda in late Summer.  But all in all - life's been pretty darn good! No real complaints --- today at least.

We moved to Roland Park, Baltimore in September of 2013 for a new job for moi, however, the job turned out to be the worst. career. decision. of mine. everrrr. Lets not hope for another one of those anytime soon. I've now got the dream job of working from home! No more getting dressed up for work in those lame business casual clothes, that you never like to wear outside of the office anyhow, and then sitting in rush hour traffic on the Interstate for 30 minutes, to then zoom into a parking garage and then ride up the elevator up to my 5th floor office - where I dreaded spending any living moment there.  Nope, done-zo.  Thank God!
Working in yoga pants and comfy slippers most days now, with Lucy by my side.  Since I'm talking about Lucy now, of course I need to mention that she too has never been happier! We have a great Victorian home that has a fenced in spacious yard for her to play, dig and poop in - not to mention the plethora of other animals in the neighborhood, mainly other doggies! The barking and howling around here sounds like a Disney movie trailer - where in the background you see a pack of dogs running away from the evil Master! (kinda like 101 Dalmations!)

So, that pretty much brings me to present day, without getting into too many details on the who, why, what, etc of the last 18 months...I'm pretty sure you get the gist.

Until next time. When hopefully I'll have something more exciting to bitch about or be joyful and merry to report!

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