Monday, September 28, 2015

Why I'm going to Unite for Addiction on Sunday, Oct 4 in Washington, D.C.

So for the past few weeks I’ve been posting a lot of information about the Unite to Face Addiction rally on my Facebook wall and my blog, Last Call.  Not sure any of you have noticed that? (Insert sarcasm here).  Either way, this is going to be a massive event in Washington, DC this weekend to highlight Addiction in our country and what an epidemic it truly is.  This is the first time anything this big has ever been done publicly to bring forth the awareness and change that needs to happen. 

Its going to be a party – a sober party! There are going to be musical performers including Steven Tyler, Sheryl Crow, The Fray and Joe Walsh. Additionally, there will be some amazing key- noted speakers and events going on throughout the weekend culminating in the rally at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday afternoon at 4 pm.  This rally is expecting a crowd of over 100,000. 

I’m so excited to be able to participate in this movement as getting sober has allowed me to have a life beyond my wildest dreams – but even more it’s given me a voice – a voice to help other people who are struggling with addiction.  That’s why I started my blog and shared my story as I want to help others and give back what has been so freely given to me.  Earlier this year, when I launched my memoir, “Last Call, A Memoir” I had no idea it would catapult me into an amazing recovery network of bloggers, authors and advocates – friends I hadn’t met yet.  I’ll be able to connect and meet with a lot of these people that have supported me in recent months and I’m forever grateful for their support.  In addition to my sober Fellowship, these new sober advocates that I have befriended are my people, they are my tribe.  They get me.   

So, if you will are going to be in DC this weekend and you’ve read my blog or my book, or just like my posts and want to connect, please feel free to reach out to me directly at  I would love to meet you and thank you for helping me.

Let’s rally together and Unite to End Addiction #endthestigma and #recoveroutloud.  

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